How to recognize and correct a nutrient deficiency with the nutrition software
A nutrient deficiency can have a major impact on well-being and health over time and is often the cause or influencing factor for other health problems. In addition, a combination of several nutrient deficiencies exacerbates the negative situation. Many people eat an unbalanced and sometimes very one-sided diet, usually unconsciously due to a lack of knowledge about a healthy, varied diet or due to a lack of time and stress.
Risk of nutrient deficiency with an unbalanced and one-sided diet
Inevitably, they do not take in enough micronutrients, which the body needs to maintain its many functions and for optimal performance. Nutrients are essential for life and performance and ensure general well-being. A micronutrient deficiency, especially if it remains undetected for long periods of time, has serious medium to long-term health consequences for the body and its performance.
Our nutritional software supports you as a nutritionist in recognizing this nutrient deficiency in your client and also shows you ways and solutions to optimize your client's nutrient supply and improve their health.
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Recognize and visualize a nutritional deficiency in your client.
With the help of the nutrition software, micronutrient deficiencies can be very easily identified and visually displayed to your client in order to sensitize them to their health-damaging deficiencies. Of course, this requires a well-documented nutrition diary (also known as a nutrition log ), which you can have your client keep digitally in advance using your own nutrition app.
Food tracking to detect nutritional deficiencies
To do this, your client uses the food tracking function in your nutrition app on their cell phone and creates their personal nutrition log. By evaluating their food diary, you can see the micronutrient deficiencies in minerals, trace elements and vitamins clearly and concisely in a list. In this specific case, for example, the client was clearly consuming too few vitamins. The lack of vitamin C in particular, at only 29% of the recommended nutrient reference value for daily intake, is significant. You can now identify this vitamin C deficiency and develop strategies together with your client to optimize their nutritional situation.
With Natty Gains, nutritional analysis becomes child's play because it provides you as a nutritionist with all the important information on nutrient intake at a glance and is the ideal basis for helping your clients lead a healthier and happier life.
Get compact information on all micronutrients for a better understanding.
With the nutrient overview incl. Compact information on each micronutrient provides both you as a nutritionist and your clients with relevant information that once again emphasizes the importance of an adequate supply.
For example, the compact information explains the functions of the respective micronutrient in the human body, which foods are particularly rich in the respective nutrient and the possible effects of an undersupply.
Use the filter for micronutrients in the recipe database to recommend specific nutrient-rich recipes.
In the recipe database, you can use various filters to quickly find the right recipes for your clients, add them to your planning or "shortlist" them as favorites by activating the heart.
Similar to the filter for macronutrients, you can also filter for the most important micronutrients. So if you detect a deficiency of the micronutrient iron in your client's nutritional planning, you can search specifically for iron-rich recipes and recommend these to your clients in order to remedy the iron deficiency. You can also use the recipe database to integrate the recipes directly into the nutrition plan in order to compensate for this deficiency.
The respective guideline values are taken from the DGE recommendations for average persons.
Incorporate nutrient-rich recipes into your diet to remedy nutrient deficiencies.
If you have diagnosed a nutrient deficiency in a client and would now like to create a balanced nutrition plan free of nutrient deficiencies for them, you can use the recipe portal to integrate nutrient-rich recipes directly into the plan and thus remedy the nutrient deficiency.
To do this, select the relevant recipe, click on "Integrate recipe into the plan" and then decide which recipe you would like to replace. The nutrition software then adds the selected recipe to the nutrition plan and automatically updates all nutritional information and ingredients.